Blame and game – two words that should never be joined together. The truth is, the blame game is no fun to play and there are never any winners. And, perhaps, the biggest loser of all is the one who is doing all the blaming. When we blame others, we lose our power. Remaining stuck […]
Senior Dating: 4 Tips to Finding Your Silver Mojo
Dating. It’s not easy at any age, but it can be downright tough for those in the 60+ category. The world has most likely changed significantly since the last time you may have dated. You yourself have also changed. Love, loss, careers, raising a family, etc. have all impacted who you are and how you […]
Why Intimacy May Be the Key to a Longer Life
An apple a day might keep the doctor away, but an orgasm a day works twice as well! Regular sex is the key to longevity. This contradicts a lot of advice about health. In traditional Indian culture, ejaculation was seen as a drain on men’s vitality. In French, an orgasm is called, ‘le petit mort’, […]
Tips to Manage Anger Around Your Family During the Holidays
For many of us, spending time with family can be a grab bag of emotions. While you may feel love and familiarity, there’s also decades-long dynamics between you and your family members that may not be the most healthy. Your family might treat you like the teenager they remember, and you might revert to that […]
Normative Male Alexithymia: Let’s Talk About It
There’s an old joke that goes a little something like this: Two women sit next to one another in the park, chatting. The first woman turns to the other and asks, “Does your husband talk to you?” And the other woman replies, “All the time! He asks me what’s for dinner, he asks me if […]