While women are often the ones who seek therapy, typically making up nearly two-thirds of therapy patients, multiple studies have shown that men benefit more from the process. But men rarely seek therapy because they just don’t like the idea of opening up to a stranger and sharing their feelings.
Therapy, then, isn’t a very naturally masculine process. But I want to encourage men to push past their discomfort and seek therapy anyway because it can really help in so many areas of their life.
Here are some of the reasons why every man should see a therapist:
Men Often Struggle with Their Identity
Many men today struggle with what it means to be a man. What seemed clear and straightforward years (or even decades) ago may today be a source of conflict and confusion. Which parts of masculinity feel meaningful and empowering, and which feel “toxic,” or difficult to live up to? How and when should they show their emotions in a healthy way? How can they best navigate their relationships to the women in their lives?
It is entirely confusing for men, and many have had to grow up without a father figure in the home, or fathers who were physically there but emotionally absent. Many men look to media and advertising to find clues about who they should be, and this can be incredibly damaging.
Therapy can be a space where men can learn to define themselves on their own terms.
Gain Understanding and Tools for Your Relationships
In their day-to-day interactions, many men experience differences in how they and the women in their lives engage the logical and emotional sides of their minds. No one plane of existence is right and no one is wrong!
But, since men tend to struggle to express their feelings and express themselves in a way their female partner can relate to, the relationship can take a hit and the two can grow apart.
Therapy can help men safely explore their own feelings and learn how to relate to women in a language women understand.
Become the Best Version of You
Seeing a therapist doesn’t necessarily mean something is wrong with you. Often therapy can be a way to explore who you are, what you want, and how to reach your goals. In other words, therapy can be a means by which you become the best version of yourself. If you hit the gym x times per week to get into the best physical shape of your life, why not hit the therapist’s office each week to get into the best mental and emotional shape of your life?
Get Help for Substance Abuse
Studies have shown that men are far more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol as a way to cope with the stress and depression in their lives. Therapy can show you how to cope without the need for these substances.
Lower Your Suicide Risk
There has been a disturbing rise in instances of suicide among older American men. This is most likely a result of men not believing they have the right to seek help. When you’ve got to be the strong one all the time and fix other people’s problems, seeking outside help simply is not an option.
But it IS an option. Reaching out to a therapist is the first step in wrestling with those thoughts and expectations and moving towards a life worth living!
Help with Fatherhood
As I mentioned earlier, many men grew up without proper role models. They then find themselves a father, unable to cope with the challenges and responsibilities. Therapy allows men to discover who they want to be for themselves, their loved ones, and their children and come up with a game plan to develop this side of themselves.
If you are a man struggling with these issues or any others and would like to explore treatment options, please be in touch. I would be more than happy to discuss how I may be able to help.