The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives in innumerable ways. But, as stressful as this lockdown has been for most of us, we have learned much about ourselves as individuals and as a nation.
Another silver lining of this crisis is a new awareness and embracing of treatment tools that have been available for some time. Telehealth (or telemedicine) and online therapy have been around for decades, and I’ve been offering Telehealth since opening Better Care Counseling. Telehealth has surged in popularity because of the mandatory quarantine, and most health insurances will now cover Telehealth even if they didn’t before the pandemic. In addition, many plans waive the visit copay for telehealth sessions.
Once life gets back to normal, will these virtual tools fall by the wayside? It’s doubtful, because they simply offer too many benefits to the client/patient and the provider.
Here are some benefits of online therapy and why you may want to give it a try:
No Time Off From Work
Telehealth enables working people to schedule appointments during their lunch hour or as soon as they “clock out.” This makes it so much easier to fit YOU into your schedule.
Scheduling Convenience
It's great not to have to stress about cancelling or being late for an appointment because of family and work responsibilities. Not to mention trying to get to the therapist's office on time when there's traffic! Having your therapy sessions online makes all these time management challenges easier.
Despite the progress we’ve made over the last couple of decades, there is still a stigma attached to mental health treatments, which stops many people from seeking the help they need. Online therapy allows an individual to receive help from the comfort of their home without anyone knowing.
There are ways to find privacy for Telehealth even if your house is full. For example, closing your door and putting some “white noise” on in the background, or going for a walk with your phone, or taking a drive to the park. If the Florida heat is too much for you to be outside right now, you could just sit in your car with the AC running. The safety of Telehealth and the benefits of therapy make finding ways to do it worthwhile.
We are currently living in a situation where it isn’t safe to be around other people. And face to face talking in a confined space might seem especially risky. Tele-therapy allows people to eliminate exposure, but still get the counseling help they need.
Access for Disabled Populations
Oftentimes the people who need therapy the most are the very people who find it difficult to leave their homes or navigate the outside world. Online therapy allows bedridden patients and those with debilitating chronic illnesses access to the help they need. If you identify with this, now is the time to connect with us!
By offering online therapy, I help as many clients/patients as I can, as safely as I can. If you’d like to explore this style of treatment, please get in touch with us.